FOUR SEASONS SERIES - All quilts hand appliquéd wth gold, silver, copper and silk thread.
One-of-a-kind medallion style quilts are built around a central image or theme.
The fabrics used are rare and wonderful lithograph style conversation prints and the crème de la crème of my collection
of early printed textiles c. 1839 to 1900. In addition to intricate piecing, some designs include elaborate appliqué
using silk and metallic thread and occasionally a hand drawn design will complete the effect. Some of the quilts pictured are from
my "Sacred Heart" series. This series of quilts was inspired by my fascination with the heart image in both the sacred/spiritual,
and secular context. This is an ongoing project and new pieces in this series will emerge along with some of the more traditional
themes in the one-of-a-kind pieces.